At the “Excellence Matters” symposium in honor of Ugo Volli

NeMoSanctI is participating in the “Excellence Matters” symposium in honor of Ugo Volli, the dean of Turin semiotics.

The PI Jenny Ponzo is participating with a talk – co-presented with Simona Stano – entitled La semiotica di Ugo Volli: Radici e germogli (‘Ugo Volli’s semiotics: Roots and sprouts’).

Research team member Gabriele Marino is participating with the projection of a short video-interview to Ugo Volli realized along with the collaboration of Federico Biggio.

The symposium will take place on Tuesday 24 September 2019, at the “Ex Sala Lauree Giurisprudenza”, Palazzo Nuovo, via Sant’Ottavio 20, Turin, starting at 11:00.

What is NeMoSanctI?


NeMoSanctI is a research project carried out at the University of Turin. It studies how models of sanctity have changed after the Second Vatican Council. To this end, it applies a pioneering methodology based on semiotic theory to a wide corpus of normative, judicial, and narrative texts.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 757314).