Public engagement
Third meeting of “Altri Mondi, Altri Dei” series at Mufant.
Next Sunday, February 18, third and final appointment with the series of conferences “Other worlds, other gods. Religion and spirituality in science fiction”, organized by NeMoSanctI at the Mufant – […]
Warning: “Nuovi mondi, nuovi dei” on the newspaper “La Stampa”
The newspaper La Stampa of Turin reported the event organized by NeMoSancti at the Mufant – Museum of Fantasy and Science Fiction in Turin for tomorrow, 21 January, as “Not […]
NeMoSanctI’s series of meetings at Mufant: Altri Mondi, Altri Dei
NeMoSanctI organizes “Altri mondi, altri dei” [Other Words, Other Gods], a series of meetings dedicated to the theme of religion and spirituality in science fiction. The meetings, curated by Paolo […]
Lesson – Jenny Ponzo on “”Gender violence in the stories of the Holy Catholic: a semiotic perspective”
On the occasion of the international day for the elimination of violence against women, members of the teaching staff and researcher of the University of Turin will dedicate a lesson […]
At UNight 2023, the European Night of Researchers
NeMoSancti participates in UNIGHT, the European night of researchers in Turin, within the Signs, sense, communication laboratory curated by CIRCe. You can find us Friday 29 September starting at 8.30pm […]
Book presentation: “Religioni fantastiche e dove trovarle. Divinità, miti e riti nella fantascienza e nel fantasy”, a cura di Igor Baglioni, Ilaria Biano e Chiara Crosignani.
Saturday 29 April, NeMoSanctI organizes the presentation of the book Religioni fantastiche e dove trovarle. Divinità, miti e riti nella fantascienza e nel fantasy [Fantastic religions and where to find […]
At the National Doctoral Seminar in Religious Studies
Our PI Jenni Ponzo and Magdalena Kubas will participate in the National Doctoral Seminar in Religious Studies. Curriculun Transversality and frontier research, entitled “transdisciplinarietà e ricerche di frontiera. la transdisciplinarietà […]
Review: Avvenire on “I santi internauti 2. Agiografia, devozioni e icone digitali”
The Italian newspaper Avvenire reviews “I santi internauti 2. Agiografia, devozioni e icone digitali” [The Internet Saints 2. Hagiography, devotions and digital icons]. The volume is edited by Marco Papasidero […]
At the conference “On the Theory of Verse” in Krakow
Our team member Magdalena Maria Kubas will be present on Thursday 30 March at the conference “Around the theory of verse”, which will be held in Krakow from 30 to […]
Interview: Paolo Bertetti on Transmedia Storytelling
An Interview with our new team member Paolo Bertetti was recently published by the journalist Maria Grazia Falà. It is focused on “Transmedia storytelling, between brand and entertainment” and can […]
What is NeMoSanctI?
NeMoSanctI is a research project carried out at the University of Turin. It studies how models of sanctity have changed after the Second Vatican Council. To this end, it applies a pioneering methodology based on semiotic theory to a wide corpus of normative, judicial, and narrative texts.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 757314).
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Recent Posts
- Articles – Jenny Ponzo and Francesco Galofaro in “Silver Age. Nuove culture della vecchiaia” (Carte Semiotiche 2024/1).
- At the Puebla Seminar on contemporary religious practices
- At the seminar “La rappresentazione della compassione: tra semiotica e studi letterari”
- Chapter – Paolo Bertetti: “Biblioteche, reliquie e altre memorie di culture perdute. La conservazione del passato nella letteratura post-apocalittica”, in “Le biblioteche della fantascienza: utopie, distopie, intelligenze artificiali” (Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2024).
- Book – J. Ponzo, S. Stano (eds.), I media e le icone culturali (Saggi di Lexia, 2024)