NeMoSanctI’s series of meetings at Mufant: Altri Mondi, Altri Dei
NeMoSanctI organizes “Altri mondi, altri dei” [Other Words, Other Gods], a series of meetings dedicated to the theme of religion and spirituality in science fiction. The meetings, curated by Paolo Bertetti, will take place at the Mufant _ Museum of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Turin, Piazza Riccardo Valla 4, every third Sunday of the month at 4 pm, starting from 17 December until February.
Here is the complete program.
Sunday 17 December 2023, h. 16
Paolo Bertetti, Come si diventa Cavalieri Jedi. La religione iperreale di Star Wars [How to become a Jedi Knight. The hyperreal religion of Star Wars].
Francesco Galofaro, La voce del Padrone di Stanislaw Lem: le scienze alle prese con l’enigma divino [His Master’s Voice by Stanislaw Lem: the sciences grappling with the divine enigma].
Sunday 21 Jenuary 2024, h. 16
Antonio Santangelo, La ricerca del senso in Dune [The search for meaning in Dune].
Silvio Alovisio e Bruno Surace, Dio è il limite? Religioni aliene nella fantascienza audiovisiva: il caso Star Trek [Is God the limit? Alien religions in audiovisual science fiction: the Star Trek case].
Sunday 21 February 2024, h. 16
Ezio Albrile, Fantascienza e mitologie gnostiche. Realtà alternative e mondi paralleli [Science fiction and Gnostic mythologies. Alternative realities and parallel worlds].
Magdalena Maria Kubas, Dalla Cosmopoli toscana a Cosmopolis (NY). Distopia e religione tra il XVIII e il XXI secolo [From the Tuscan Cosmopoli to Cosmopolis (NY). Dystopia and religion between the 18th and 21st centuries].