At the international workshop “Images in Religious Persuasion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective”
NeMoSanctI PI, Prof. Jenny Ponzo, is participating in the international workshop Images in Religious Persuasion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, which will take place at the University of Bochum, Germany, on October 1-2, 2019.
Her talk, entitled New Perspectives for a Semiotics of the Ex Voto, will be held on October 10th, at 10:00 AM.
Here is the full program of the workshop:
Images in Religious Persuasion: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien (CERES) Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, CERES-Palais, Raum “Ruhrpott” (4.13)
October 1
9:00 – Massimo LEONE, University of Turin / Shanghai University: Cursing Quipus, Blessing Rosaries: EntangledSemioticIdeologies
10:00 – Martina CORGNATI, Brera Academy of the Fine Arts, Milan: Others than us: Some ideas around Vézelay’s Tympanum
11:15 – Przemysław Urbańczyk, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies: Inter-Religious Dialog in the Art of the Early Polish State
12:00 – Jean-François CORPATAUX, University of Fribourg (CH) : Lier et délier : quelques observations sur la Transfiguration de Raphaël
15:00 – Ugo VOLLI, University of Turin: The Eternal Return of the Repressed: Permanent Icons of Antisemitism
16:00 – Kamila Junik-Łuniewska, Jagellonian University: Politicization of Religious Symbols in India: the Contemporary Scenario
17:00 – Percy ARFEEN, Ruhr University at Bochum: Boundaries as Bridges: Interreligious Encounters in Premodern and Early Modern Kerala, South India
October 2
9:00 – Robert A. YELLE, LMU Munich: The Biggest Idol in the History of the World
10:00 – Jenny PONZO, University of Turin: New Perspectives for a Semiotics of the Ex Voto
11:15 – Olimpia DRAGOUNI, Humboldt University: Icons in Shared Sacred Sites: A (Non)Meeting Space for Christians and Muslims in the Balkans
14:00 – Victoria DOS SANTOS, University of Turin: Religious Imaginarium as a Seduction Strategy of Contemporary Pop Culture
15:00 – Marco VENTURA, University of Siena, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento: New Perspectives on Inter-Religious Images
16:00 – Discussion