At the International Congress “Chorologies: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Classical Interpretation and Emerging Didactic Approaches”.

Our PI Jenny Ponzo will participate at the International Congress Chorologies: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Classical Interpretation and Emerging Didactic Approaches that will be held in Turin (Campus Einaudi, Sala Lauree Blu) on Thursday 9 November and Friday 10 November. The Congress si organized by the University of Eastern Piedmont, DIGSPES and Turin University, Philosophy Department , Inside the Research program: “Legal Education and Training in law” (Prin 2022, UPO)/ “Philosophy in Philosophy of law” (TCRS/Calumet Reviews/Coordinamento Cenacoli Rosminiani).

On November 9th, at 2.30 pm, Jenny Ponzo will present a speech entitled La chora e il segno: una prospettiva semiotica sull’immaginazione del futuro imminente [The chora and the sign: a semiotic perspective on the imagination of the imminent future].

What is NeMoSanctI?


NeMoSanctI is a research project carried out at the University of Turin. It studies how models of sanctity have changed after the Second Vatican Council. To this end, it applies a pioneering methodology based on semiotic theory to a wide corpus of normative, judicial, and narrative texts.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 757314).